If you are in need of professional squad car, jail cell, or emergency vehicle cleanup in Arkansas, On Call Bio Arkansas is your best solution. Our bio-hazard recovery team has multiple qualifications and years of experience, not to mention the latest technology, so you can work, knowing your safe from the many diseases that could be spread from the people you put in your backseat or jail cells.
Bio-hazard Cleanup for Emergency Vehicles
The safety department is extensive, for good reason. We offer our services to all types of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) vehicles, whether they are publicly or privately operated, on land, air or water. We have the necessary tools, chemicals and techniques for guaranteed results, regardless of the transport method; police, ambulance, fire truck. Our experienced and highly equipped team of cleanup technicians will successfully decontaminate the entire environment in need.
Jail Cell Decontamination
If you have had an incident that left a holding area, jail cell, or other areas used for incarceration a mess, On Call Bio Arkansas can help. The responsibility of containing individuals comes with a lot of added hassles. It’s important to keep the area up to a decent standard of cleanliness. Our cleaning services involve cleaning as well as sanitizing, to guarantee that the area has been properly disinfected and you won’t have to spend an arm and a leg doing so either.
Effective & Timely Cleanup Services
We understand that anytime the operation of a vehicle or area is on hold it can lead to consequences, especially if it’s an extended period of time. The On Call Bio Arkansas cleanup professionals offer an efficient and productive cleaning process that is quick and thorough. Leave your mess to our experts, so you can get back on schedule.
We’ll protect you, so you can protect us. We have the specialized tools and equipment that will eliminate any bodily fluid, blood, feces, urine, vomit or any other substance that could be riddled with diseases and spread to you. After our 4 step bio-hazard technique has been completed, we will then test the area to guarantee the cleanliness for you, your employees, and the general public.
If you are a local or regional safety department in need of a good decontamination due to any type of issue, we are the skilled professionals for the job. Our cleanup crew can be there fast and complete a thorough sanitation of the area, in no time, so you can get back to keep our states safe!
Contact On Call Bio Arkansas today for professional cleanup and decontamination of squad cars, jail cells or any other safety department location needs.
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